
A monster originating from Greek mythology. Illustration by SaltyGoo.

Imagine an human-sized vulture with the chest, arms and face of a woman. Its filthy face is distorded by a maniacal grin revealing needle-like teeth.

Vulture women. A humanoid.

Harpies are stupid, hateful and cowardly. They will harass people for days, only killing them when they are finaly driven mad.

HD 1 Armor: 0
Hit it: normal Dodge it: normal
Movement: fly normal  
→ How to read monster stats

Attacks (1/round)

Claw. The harpy makes a melee attack (1D4 dmg). It can then either fly out of melee range or make another melee attack (1D4 dmd)

Screech. The harpy makes a high-pitched scream. Every non-harpy living creature near it must save or be stunned on their next turn, and deafened for 10 minutes.

Cacophony. At least 4 harpies start singing in maddening discordant voices. All non-harpy living creatures that can clearly hear them are confused until the harpies stop.

Number : 2D6 Lair : A huge pile of guano, feathers and bones.
Desire : Cause suffering & Easy Benefits

When you roll this monster on your encounter table. Most of them are hints the monster is nearby.

If the party meets this monster, what is it doing?

So, You Have Met Harpies?

Loot Them

Most harpies have no desire for material possessions besides trinkets from their victims. If you brave the filfth to loot one, roll a D6, you find:

  1. Nothing
  2. Nothing
  3. Nothing. You catch Harpy shit disease
  4. Couple of copper coins or trinkets not worth more than a mundane object!
  5. Dented-to-shit piece of armour. Could be repaired.
  6. A potion contaminated with Harpy shit disease

Harpy Shit Disease. Disease (Body Fluid). When you act like a shitty person, make an easy save, if you fail, you become a Harpy. Save every night to avoid making the save harder. If the save becomes easier than easy, you are cured.

Play As One

The Harpy character class.

Written on November 14, 2020